Red Bull Increases Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, Says Study Print Write e-mail
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Energy Drinks - Energy Drinks 2008
Written by Frank Mangano   
Monday, 08 September 2008 18:04

Energy Drink Risk Ain’t No ‘Bull’

The energy drink company Red Bull likes to promote its product by saying it will give you so much energy that you’ll feel like you have wings. What they don’t tell you is that that those wings come with a catch – an increased risk of stroke. At least that’s what a group of Australian researchers are saying after looking into the effects of Red Bull on the heart.

Red Bull is a popular energy drink you can find in virtually every corner store, grocery market or Mom and Pop shop. It’s particularly popular among the pre-teen, teenager and young adult crowd as it provides some “kick” to their often sleep-deprived bodies and minds. It’s also used as an energy booster for gym rats on occasion.

Australian researchers analyzed the effects Red Bull had on the cardiovascular systems of 30 young adults after drinking a can of Red Bull (250 ml per can of Red Bull); their results should lead any regular consumer of Red Bull to reconsider their energy-seeking habit. The researchers from the Cardiovascular Research Center at Royal Adelaide Hospital in Southern Australia say that Red Bull causes one’s blood to become “sticky,” and this stickiness increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. Other symptoms observed were similar to those seen in cardiovascular disease sufferers.

Now, what’s particularly noteworthy about this finding is that these symptoms were observed in people who were healthy, having no history of cardiovascular disease or hypertension problems. Can you imagine what kind of damage Red Bull has on those who have problems with hypertension? The study’s lead researcher, Scott Wiloughby, told reporters that if someone has any history or predisposition to cardiovascular disease, they should stay away from Red Bull.

I’d go much further than that. Stay away from any and all energy drinks like these, be it AMP, Full Throttle, Jolt or any other drink that sounds stimulating. In reality, it’s debilitating. The very fact that Red Bull is banned in three countries (Denmark, Uruguay and Norway ) due to its health hazards should speak volumes. What speaks even more to energy drinks’ debilitating effects are the dangers of the drink that Red Bull itself makes plain, advising consumers not to drink more than two Red Bulls in a 24-hour period. Let me tell you something: If a company advises consumers not to drink or eat more than a certain amount of its product, it ought to tell you all you need to know about its safety.

This latest research supports a study done not too long ago by researchers from Wayne State University (Go Warriors!). Their results showed that energy drinks like Red Bull elevated blood pressure to dangerous levels for those with pre-existing heart conditions.

When you need a quick energy fix, Red Bull may seem tempting. But no shot of energy is worth risking a heart attack or stroke. By guzzling down these and other caffeine cows, that’s exactly what you’re doing.



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