Alternative Remedies to Recover From This Viral Illness Print
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Mumps - Mumps 2006
Written by Frank Mangano   
Wednesday, 13 December 2006 01:25

Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects the a pair of salivary glands located below and in front of the ears called parotid glands. Children with mumps often have swelling in one or both parotid glands.

The chances of contracting mumps nowadays is extremely rare because of the mumps vaccine, which became licensed in 1967. Prior to then however, up to 200,000 cases of mumps occurred each year in the United States. In other parts of the world where the vaccine is not administered, outbreaks of mumps are still common.

Roughly 20% of people infected with the mumps virus experience no signs or symptoms. For the remaining 80% where symptoms are present, they usually appear about two to three weeks after exposure to the virus and may include:

- Swollen, painful salivary glands on one or both sides of the face

- Pain with chewing or swallowing

- Fever

- Weakness and fatigue

Mumps is caused by the mumps virus. This virus spreads easily from person to person through saliva that is infected. Without immunity, a person can contract mumps by just by breathing in saliva droplets of an infected person who has just sneezed or coughed. One can also contract mumps as a result of sharing utensils or cups with someone who has the virus.

There is no prescription drug to cure mumps. However part of conventional medical treatment for mumps may include the use of corticosteroids to ease testicular pain and swelling. These drugs are potent and I'm against using them unless absolutely necessary.

The regimen outlined below includes some safe and natural steps a person can take to treat & prevent mumps.

If infected, avoid contact with others from 48 hours before the swelling occurs until all the swelling has disappeared.

Plenty of bed rest is absolutely necessary.

Support and cleansing of lymph nodes will shorten the extent of the virus. Drink Echinacea tea several times daily.

Be sure to drink plenty of pure water.

Avoid sour drinks and foods like orange juice and pickles as they may irritate the swelling and cause pain.

Apply warm compresses to swollen areas.

If orchitis (swelling of the testicles) develops, provide warmth and support of the testicles.

The supplements listed below may also be helpful:

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids (500 mg every 2 hours until symptoms improve, up to 3,000 -10,000 mg daily) - Helpful for immune and lymphatic system support.

Zinc (1 15 mg lozenge every 4-6 hours)- Aids healing.

Acidophilus (take as directed on label) - The "friendly" bacteria that inhibits pathogenic organisms.

Pau D' Arco (4 capsules three times daily) - This herb holds powerful antiviral properties.

Free-form Amino Acid Complex take as directed on label) - Important for tissue repair and healing.

Catnip and Chamomile Teas - Help induce sleep.

Echinacea (take as directed on label) - Helps reduce swelling and cleanses the blood and lymphatic system.

Lobelia Extract - Aids pain relief. However don't use on an ongoing basis.

Mullein oil, Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract - Great choices for gargling.

Elder Flower Tea - Helps reduce fever.

* Important note: The recommended doses are for those over age 18. Always check herb and vitamin use with your child’s health care practitioner prior to administering them.
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