5 Natural Ways to Deal with Hemorrhoids Print
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Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids 2011
Written by Frank Mangano   
Sunday, 17 April 2011 00:00


Hemorrhoids are possibly infected and swollen veins that accumulate in the anal canal. Although the health condition is not serious, it can be extremely painful and may require surgical procedures in order to be treated. Internal hemorrhoids occur when veins swell in the anal canal. External hemorrhoid, on the other hand, is the swelling of the veins proximate to the anal opening. The treatment and symptoms of hemorrhoids vary depending on the location.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

The development of hemorrhoids can be triggered by too much pressure on the area of the rectum and pelvis causing the veins to be inflamed. In a healthy body, the tissue in the inner portion of the anus is filled with blood that helps in controlling bowel movements. The excessive pressure exerted in order to move the bowels can lead to the swelling of the veins and cause the tissue to stretch and swell. Digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea can also lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Pregnant women during their last 2 trimesters are also at risk of developing hemorrhoids due to the increase in the pressure in the pelvic area. And the strain on the veins while in labor can cause or worsen hemorrhoids.

The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are the appearance of streaks of blood after a bowel movement either on the stool or on the tissue paper, pain while cleaning the anal, area and itching. Doctors diagnose hemorrhoids by conducting a physical examination and by asking you about your medical history. A test may also be needed in order to determine whether the symptoms like rectal bleeding are caused by hemorrhoids. This can either be done manually like in prostate exams where a gloved finger is inserted inside the anus, or with the use of a lighted scope to examine the rectum.

Ruling out other possible diseases is important in diagnosing hemorrhoids since rectal bleeding can also be the symptom of more serious health conditions like anal and colorectal cancer. If the test comes out negative, the doctor may need to examine the lower portion of your colon with a similar viewing device called a colonoscope in order to find the real cause of the bleeding. For cases of hemorrhoids, the treatment depends on where the swelling is located. External hemorrhoids are a lot easier to treat and the doctor may recommend home treatment. This may include the slow introduction of fiber supplements to your diet, increase in your intake of water and the use of ointments to help reduce the itching.

Internal hemorrhoids are more serious than external hemorrhoids due to the location of the inflammation. Surgical procedures to either scar the tissue to induce bleeding or tie the hemorrhoids with the use of rubber bands may be needed in order to treat to the condition. This will reduce the flow of blood to the hemorrhoids and make them shrink gradually. If these treatments don't work, the hemorrhoids may need to be removed surgically.
However, there are a variety of natural methods to help you deal with hemorrhoids – and these do not cost a fortune:

  1. Prevent Constipation

    The health condition can be prevented by maintaining a healthy bowel movement. Most cases of hemorrhoids are due to irregular bowel movements caused by constipation or the habit of putting off bowel movement. The body needs to regularly clear out any undigested food in the body. The accumulation of waste in the bowels can make bowel movement difficult. For people with constipation, drinking a lot of fluids like water for at least eight glasses in a day and natural fruit juices can help in promoting regular bowel movement and make waste get out easier. Exercising regularly can also help in preventing hemorrhoids by promoting the excretion of waste. Furthermore, incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet is highly recommended to help you prevent constipation.

  2. Maintain Healthy Bowel Movement

    It's important to keep a habit of going to the bathroom at a specific time of the day and avoid doing it only when you have the urge to do so. The bowels can take as much as a few days worth of waste without you feeling the need to move it out. But if this happens, it may need more effort to do it than if it was done one or two times a day. And while passing stool, avoid holding your breath to force the diaphragm to push the bowels. Just sit there, relax and let your bowels do its job naturally. 

  3. Use Sitz Bath and Other Pain Relief

    Hemorrhoids can cause real pain in the rear side. The pain can be relieved by taking a warm bath and by carefully cleaning the anus after a bowel movement. Colon hydrotherapy can also help in relieving the pain caused by hemorrhoids. The alternate use of cold and hot enema can help in stimulating the circulation of blood by constricting and relaxing the muscles. An icepack can also be able to relieve the swelling.

    Sitz bath is an old treatment for hemorrhoids which literally means “sitting in water.” The simple procedure involves submerging only the back part of the body and leaving the body and legs out of the water. The water can be as warm as you can endure. You can also change between hot and cold water and add a few cups of Epsom salt to remove fluids and promote easier bowel movement. It's also advised to stop using toilet paper and use toilet seat add-ons like a Blue Bidet to clean and dry the anal area better. And it eliminates the use of toilet paper.

  4. Keep Moving

    Habits like prolonged standing or sitting can also lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Take a short walk every now and then to promote movement to your pelvic area. Frequent and improper lifting of heavy objects can put pressure on your bowels. Always exhale before lifting and avoid holding your breath while doing it.

  5. Modify your Diet

    Eating foods rich in fiber and antioxidants can help in reducing your risk of hemorrhoids. Fruits like blueberries, blackberries, cantaloupe, red and black currant berries, pomegranate juice, papaya, bananas, oranges, dark green leafy vegetables, molasses and sweet potatoes are some of the foods that you may want to include in your daily diet. Lima beans, which are rich in iron, helps in treating hemorrhoid bleeding while flax seeds aid in reducing the pain and inflammation through its high omega-3 fatty acid content.




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