Stay UTI-Free with Vitamin D Print
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Vitamin D - Vitamin D 2011
Written by Frank Mangano   
Friday, 14 January 2011 01:36

A healthy urinary tract is essential to good health. Urinating helps in flushing out excess water, toxic substances and waste products from the body and the kidneys.  A non-functioning urinary tract has the potential to cause various health conditions such as hypertension, water retention and kidney failure.  It is said that women are more prone to developing urinary tract infections (UTI) – this is because of the close proximity of the vagina to the anus.

However, this type of infection is not exclusive to women because men are not spared from UTI.

What is Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infection is commonly caused by an infection in the urethra and the bladder. The E. Coli, a bacterial specie that is typically found in the gastrointestinal tract, is the most common cause of UTI. This can infect your bladder (cystitis) and your urethra (urethritis).

People who are more prone to develop urinary tract infection are those who are exposed to some level of risks. Being active sexually is one, and using some types of birth control is another. Poor hygiene may also be one of the causes.

UTI are more common in women who are undergoing menopause because of the fact that the changes in their estrogen levels cause a change in the urinary tract as well. Kidney stones or the possibility of an enlarged prostate can also cause blockages which can trap the urine in the bladder and increase a man’s risk to being infected. Other ailments which can lower your immune system level can also increase the risk of UTI.

What are its Signs and Symptoms?

The signs and symptoms associated with urinary tract infections are often very uncomfortable.  Sadly though, some people ignore these tell-tale symptoms and postpone seeing a doctor until they cannot tolerate it anymore.  So if you begin to notice any of the signs and symptoms listed below, it is advised that you seek medical help the soonest time possible:

  • The urge to always urinate;
  • You feel a burning sensation each time you urinate;
  • You urinate in small amounts yet in high frequency;
  • Your urine looks cloudy or is bright pink in color – much worse if there are some signs of blood in your urine;
  • The smell of your urine is strong;
  • Women feel pelvic pain, Men feel rectal pain

What can you do to Promote Urinary Tract Health?

The most popular natural alternative cures to UTI are blueberries, cranberries and sugar D-mannose. Cranberries contain some substances that stop bacteria from getting glued to the bladder lining and it encourages the flushing out of the bacteria through the stream of urine. These substances include proanthocyanidins and sugar D-mannose.

On the other hand, many studies also suggest that D-mannose is even ten times more potent that cranberries in flushing out all those bacteria from your bladder walls. It can even alleviate signs and symptoms associated with UTI in just about one to two days. It is a safe and natural ingredient as it is just simple sugar that can help promote a very healthy bladder for your urinary system.

You should steer away from using antibiotics if you do not want to have higher chances of re-acquiring UTI. Apple cider vinegar is also helpful as it contains a rich supply of potassium and enzymes. Those who usually suffer from UTI lack in healthy enzymes and hence this can be used as your natural antibiotic to help kill the bacteria. Just mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with warm water. To prevent bad taste, add some honey.

Avoid foods that are acidic for these can just make your condition worse like tea, coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, steaks and many more. Take in lots of water and fiber too.

The Role of Vitamin D in Improving the Health of the Urinary Tract

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden conducted a study on the effects of vitamin D in promoting a healthy urinary tract.  Result of the study, published in Public Library of Science One (PLoS ONE) revealed that sufficient amounts of vitamin D, obtained through supplementation, triggers the production of cathelicidin, a peptide with anti-microbial properties.  This protects the urinary tract by warding off potentially harmful microorganisms. Data from the study hints at the possibility of vitamin D being an important alternative to antibiotics – pharmaceutical products that may sometimes cause adverse and side effects.

The team of researchers analyzed the levels of Vitamin D that are present in the blood of six premenopausal and 22 postmenopausal women from Sweden. A portion of the women was recruited to participate in the regular supplementation of Vitamin D. The study also suggests that the health benefits you can get from the sunshine vitamin can help improve the health of the urinary tract aside from the usual perceived natural health benefits that cranberry juice and the likes can do.

Why Vitamin D is Good for You

Vitamin D is above all a very ideal immune system regulator. Hence, it is an important tool in fighting off certain forms of health conditions, even the very common colds and flu. Aside from its capability to help you maintain a healthy urinary tract, it can also help lessen the risk of heart diseases, breast cancer, osteoporosis, chronic pain, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and depression. It is also important in maintaining a healthy brain as well as the ideal body weight.

Other ailments that can greatly benefit from sufficient levels of Vitamin D in the body are asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and a weak immune system. The results of a research study conducted at Copenhagen, Denmark revealed that vitamin D is important in the activation of T-cells.  These are cells that help promote a healthy immune system.

So aside from getting enough sunlight, you can also get a good supply of vitamin D from foods such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and cod liver oils. It is also highly present in beef liver, egg yolks, dandelion greens, and sweet potatoes along with particular types of mushrooms.




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