It’s What You Eat – Not What You Don’t Eat That Matters Most in Weight Loss: Some Dos and Don’ts for Long Term Dieting Success Print
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Written by Joel Kaye, MA   

Copyright © Joel Kaye, MA

The saying goes, “You are what you eat.” It doesn’t say, “You are what you DON’T eat.” That is because health, nutrition, and yes, dieting are as much about what you do eat than what you don’t eat. Sure, there are some foods that are sure to make you fat. But did you know there are many more foods that work with your body to make you thin? By reducing the amount of or eliminating only the worse food choices, and adding foods that support weight loss, you can achieve lasting weight loss success.

Let’s start first with the “Don’t” list since some of it is just plain common sense. Other items on this list may surprise you, though. Here are the foods to avoid:

1. Simple sugar. This is your store-bought, shrink-wrapped kind of “treat.” It’s the snack cakes and candy bars that provide zero nutritional value yet are packed with refined white sugar and other versions of sweeteners that spike blood sugar, only to leave you feeling deflated soon after consuming them.

2. White flour. This is bleached to make it white. What that does is remove all the nutrients, so then the processors have to “enrich” it with vitamins to make it resemble a food. By doing this, it has the same basic effect on the body as white sugar.

3. Milk. Cow’s milk is for cows. Human babies should have human milk until they are at least a year old, and then they no longer have a need for milk. Milk is thought to be nutritious because of the calcium, and vitamin D (which by the way is added when they fortify it). The nutritious qualities of milk are not enough to outweigh the fact that most people are lactose intolerant to some degree and don’t even realize it. The nutrients found in dairy products are there because of what the cows consume – leafy greens!

Now here is the “Do” list. Adding these foods to your diet will help you curb your appetite naturally by staying more satisfied for longer and by speeding up your metabolism.

1. Whole grains. Wheat, oats, and barely are forms of whole grains. The problem is that processing done to store-bought foods usually alters these. As the market demand for more nutritious choices has taken hold, more foods contain ingredients in whole form. Look for food labels that list “whole wheat flour” instead of just “wheat flour.” The difference is in how in-tact the wheat grain is in the finish food.

2. Eat the good kinds of carbohydrates. High fiber fruits should be one of your top carbohydrate sources. These include blueberries, grapes, and strawberries. The fiber and antioxidant properties of these foods help boost the immune system. They will also satisfy the craving for sweets, making it less likely that you will turn to the snack foods.

3. Drink water. It cannot be emphasized enough that water is one of the easiest ways to aid in weight loss and is so essential to good health that a lack of enough water will eventually kill you. Slow and sustained dehydration that results in a break down of organ tissue is the prognosis of not drinking enough water. The positive effects of plenty of water are that it builds muscle tissue, which then increases metabolism. It also rids the body of toxins that can result from eating too much protein or other unhealthy foods. About 2 quarts of water every day is one way to achieve long-term weight loss.

The dos and don’ts of dieting will always be debated by the fads and trends of the day. Sound nutrition and moderation has to be applied for long term success.

Joel Kaye holds a Masters Degree in Physical Health Education and he is currently teaching classes at the prestigious New York University's Coles Sports Center On Weight Management, Nutrition And Exercise And Cancer Wellness. Find out how to achieve optimal health at:



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