Acidophilus - The “Friendly” Bacteria Essential to Digestion and Holds Antifungal Properties Print
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Probiotics - Probiotics 2007
Written by Frank Mangano   

Referred simply as acidophilus, lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of “friendly” bacterium which can be found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the body. Acidophilus is known as a probiotic meaning that it secretes enzymes that aid the body in healthy digestion. Severely decreased levels of probiotics in the body can result in increased levels of yeasts and harmful bacteria. When this happens illnesses are likely to begin surfacing.

Acidophilus may also play a role in aiding the production of some B vitamins, such as niacin, folic acid, pyridoxine & biotin.

Canker sores, fever blisters, hives, and adolescent acne may also be effectively treated with acidophilus.

Overgrowth of Candida can cause yeast infections. Many experts also recommend acidophilus as natural prevention & treatment for this condition as it has antifungal properties. It competes with and decreases the population of Candida and returns the intestinal flora to a healthier balance.

In a small study involving a group of people with irritable bowl syndrome, those who took acidophilus showed more improvement than in those who took a placebo.

In recent years, evidence has been surfacing which indicates that blood cholesterol levels may be reduced by taking Lacto-bacillus acidophilus L1. In the February 1999 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, reports on two studies done at the University of Kentucky were published. In one study subjects who consumed the yogurt containing L. acidophilus L1 had cholesterol levels drop by 2.4%. The group tested in the other study experienced a 3.2% drop.

You can find acidophilus in your local health food store in powder, liquid, tablet, or capsule form. I recommend Kyo Dophilus 9 by Wakunaga of America, which is a blend of nine probiotics that contain 3 billion live cells per capsule. Be sure to keep it in a cool place as acidophilus can die at high temperatures.

You should also take the necessary steps to avoid acidophilus deficiencies which can occur from chronic diarrhea, stress, and poor diet.



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