Understanding an Insect Allergy Print
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Insect Allergy - Insect Allergy 2008
Written by Frank Mangano   
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 00:52


Insect allergies are not incredibly common and there are very few categories of insects, which even have the ability to create an allergic reaction. Hornets, bees, wasps and ants are the insects, which can create an allergic reaction in 5 out of 1,000 people in the USA today. This type of allergy is known as an insect venom allergy and for anyone with these allergies cannot only be dangerous but also in some cases life threatening as well. The yellow jacket and honeybee are the two most common insects to provide allergic venom through their stings.

Some of the symptoms of this type of allergic reaction to a sting may include wheezing, nausea, tightness in the throat, hives, itching, pain and swelling of the joints and vascular swelling. The severity of the allergy has a great deal to do with how the person reacts once been stung and how long it takes for the symptoms to appear. With someone suffering from a mild insect allergy, it can take only a few minutes before any of the above symptoms begin to appear. On the other hand, those suffering from a more severe insect allergy can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes for the symptoms to appear. If the reaction to the venom is delayed like this, additional symptoms such as a fever, hives or inflamed lymph glands can appear.

In rare cases, those who are extremely allergic to insect stings can immediately go into shock, a circulatory collapse and die within minutes. Signs you may want to watch for in regards to such extreme cases include extreme drop in blood pressure, trouble swallowing, severe swelling and anxiety, confusion and feeling of impending disaster. Although this type of extreme insect allergies are quite rare today, for anyone who has a mild to severe case it is important to understand the degrees of severity that you can experience when stung by a bee or bitten by an ant. Although many insect allergy patients today always have a prescription emergency needle on them in the event of a sting, there are some natural remedies as well.

  • Vitamin C  with bioflavonoids acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps to fight the toxicity of the insect venom directly after the sting or bite. Take vitamin C in dosages of 5,000-20,000 mg daily in divided dosages to help stop the venom.
  • Quercetin is a unique bioflavonoid that has the ability to reduce allergic reactions and should be taken as directed.
  • Lavender is an herb that may help reduce the itching after the sting for those with a mild allergy.
  • Tea Tree Oil can be rubbed on the exposed areas of the skin to ward of insects, a natural insect repellent. If the oil is too strong it can be diluted with canola oil until a tolerable strength is reached.
Insect allergies can be very serious for some people and it is important not to solely rely on any one of these natural remedies in the event they are not strong enough for your level of symptoms. Always speak with your physician as well as a professional naturopathic to ensure you are using the natural supplements and herbs correctly so you can be confident in their results when and if you are stung.



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